Friday, August 8, 2008


So last night I call and talk to my son Alex ( he lives in GA with his dad), it was his first day back to school and i wanted to know how the day went. So I asked him how was the first day back? "Well I had a really horrible day today!!!" I said I'm sorry to hear that son, what happened to make your day so bad? " WELL to start off with I had to wait an hour on my bus to get here!!!!" I said sorry to hear that, what eles happened? Well that was pretty much it. IT was all i could do not to burst out in laughter. I mean if you know me, you know I am not a morning person, and you also know that the tiniest thing will set me off some days ESPECIALLY if it happens first thing in the morning, IT WILL ruin my entire day!!! So to hear that from my 10 year old, and it being so close to something i would say or how i would react to the same situation, is just so funny to me..........It really is crazy how much our offspring can be sooo much like us or so unlike us........I personally love it, needless to he is not a morning person either, never has been, never will be, JUST LIKE ME !!!! lol I love it , I love my mini me !!!!

1 comment:

Mandy said...

I remember my responsiblity in the morning was to get you up! It was a job all unto it's self!!